Schools, creches and other childcare places | Ville de Carouge

Schools, creches and other childcare places

Dernière mise à jour: 27.04.2022
Are you living in Carouge and looking for a childcare place? The Information Centre for hosting toddlers (Ciape) is the place to go for all registrations.

In March 2010 the City of Carouge set up the Centre d’Information pour l’accueil de la petite enfance (Ciape), the information centre for hosting toddlers, a single desk for enrolments in a creche, day nursery, kindergarten or day-care family.

All enrolments for hosting pre-school children (recreational area, nursery, kindergarten or day-care family) are handled by the Ciape Carouge. The priorities are managed strictly according to the criteria established by the Administrative Council. The condition for being able to benefit from a childcare place is to be resident on the territory of the commune. A derogation arrangement is provided under certain conditions for parents who work in the commune but without being residents. Enrolments can be made by telephone, directly at the spot, or online at this address:


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